Washington, DC

About JFAN

Jesuit Friends and Alumni Network-Washington, DC (formerly known as the Loyola Club) gathers Jesuit-educated alums and friends for food, fellowship and inspiration. JFAN probes ways to apply Jesuit spirituality in our everyday lives and to use it as a means to strengthen our communities.

We bring together on a regular basis (3 times each year) leaders in the DC Community with a common bond of Jesuit Education/Ignatian Spirituality. Washington itself is home to Georgetown University, Gonzaga College High School, Georgetown Preparatory School, and the Washington Jesuit Academy. This city also is home to graduates from every one of the 28 Jesuit colleges and universities and most of the more than 70 Jesuit high schools and middle schools in the United States, as well as members, representatives or alumni of Alpha Sigma Nu; Contemplative Leaders in Action (CLA); Holy Trinity Catholic Church; the Ignatian Solidarity Network; the Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC); The Jesuit Collaborative; the Jesuit Conference; the Jesuit Secondary Education Association (JSEA); the Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC); and the Loyola Club of Washington.